God Moving Moment – State Conference 2014


ACC State Conference 2014 was one of the most memorable God moving moments in my life and I wasn’t even a delegate. I had been interning with Youth Alive and as part of my duties I had to plan and oversee areas of the youth conference. This conference is held once a year by the Australian Christian Churches in Port Macquarie and the children of the pastors are taken out of school for a week to attend this conference. These youth have probably grown up around bible stories, gospel messages and Christian talk. Some feel confident in their calling and others just feel the pressure of being perfect little pastors kids. This conference is designed to provide enjoyable activities, build new friendships and to point their purpose to Jesus.

Pastors Kids live off the salvation of their parents but you can’t fake a relationship with Jesus. An experience from God is evident in every aspect of life and once you’ve had a taste you just want more. This is what we prayed for God to do in this Youth conference… and he did.

Not only did he move and speak to the kids but also God united the leaders and spoke through and to them. The more God moved in the leaders the more God moved in the youth. It was a ripple affect and prayer became an urge.

That week we saw renewed relationships with Christ, calling and visions placed on young people’s hearts and an overwhelming amount of joy that spread across everyone who attended. Even the youth leaders of the church facility that we hired were blessed after attending one night.

The event was planned with discernment, prayer and all glory was given to God. Youth Alive saw that there was a need in these young people’s life and shared that vision with the volunteers. This built a strong God centred team that opened the way for God to move right across every participant of the conference. We prayed it would be a God moving year and their callings and visions they got in 2014 would stretch through out 2015, ready to double the blessing every year following.

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